Expert Houston Maritime Attorney Services

houston maritime attorney

When it comes to maritime injury cases in Houston, it’s crucial to have an expert maritime attorney by your side. At Patrick Daniel Law, we specialize in providing exceptional legal services for maritime workers and individuals involved in maritime accidents. With our extensive knowledge of maritime law and 20 years of experience in the field, we are well-equipped to handle even the most complex cases in Houston and the Gulf Coast.


Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, can be intricate and challenging to navigate. Our team of experienced Houston maritime attorneys has a deep understanding of this area of law and can guide you through the legal process. We have successfully represented clients in various maritime injury cases, including jack-up rig accidents, deck accidents, tugboat accidents, oil platform accidents, barge accidents, commercial fishing accidents, cargo ship accidents, and shipyard accidents.

At Patrick Daniel Law, we serve clients in Houston, Harris County, Pasadena, Baytown, and the surrounding areas. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of maritime workers and helping them seek the compensation they deserve. If you have been injured in a maritime accident, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We work on a contingency fee basis, ensuring that you don’t have to worry about upfront costs. Let our expertise and commitment to justice work for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Patrick Daniel Law offers expert maritime attorney services in Houston.
  • We specialize in handling complex maritime injury cases and have 20 years of experience in maritime law.
  • Our team of Houston maritime attorneys has successfully represented clients in various maritime accidents, including jack-up rig accidents, deck accidents, tugboat accidents, and more.
  • We serve clients in Houston, Harris County, Pasadena, Baytown, and the surrounding areas.
  • Contact us for a free consultation and let us help you navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve.

Experienced Houston Maritime Injury Lawyers

When it comes to maritime injury cases in Houston, having an experienced Houston maritime attorney by your side is essential. At Patrick Daniel Law, we have a team of skilled maritime injury lawyers who specialize in handling even the most complex maritime injury cases. With our extensive knowledge of maritime law and years of experience, we can effectively represent clients who have been injured at sea.

Our team understands the unique challenges that maritime workers face and the intricacies of maritime law. We are well-versed in the Jones Act and other relevant laws that protect the rights of maritime workers. Whether you’ve been involved in a jack-up rig accident, deck accident, tugboat accident, oil platform accident, barge accident, commercial fishing accident, cargo ship accident, or shipyard accident, we have the expertise and resources to handle your case.

When you choose Patrick Daniel Law as your maritime law firm in Houston, you can expect:

  • Comprehensive understanding of maritime law and its complexities.
  • Extensive experience in handling various maritime injury cases.
  • Thorough investigation and gathering of evidence to build a strong case.
  • Strategic legal representation and negotiation skills to secure fair compensation.
  • Compassionate support and guidance throughout the entire legal process.

Our goal is to protect your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries, pain, and suffering. We will fight tirelessly on your behalf, advocating for your best interests every step of the way.

If you’ve been injured in a maritime accident, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced maritime injury lawyers in Houston. We offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, which means there are no upfront costs for legal representation. Let us handle the legal complexities while you focus on your recovery. Trust Patrick Daniel Law to be your trusted advocates in maritime law.

“Choosing an experienced Houston maritime attorney is crucial for the success of your case. At Patrick Daniel Law, we have the expertise and dedication to fight for your rights and secure the compensation you deserve.”

Why Choose Patrick Daniel Law? What Our Clients Say
Expertise in maritime law and maritime injury cases “The attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law were knowledgeable, professional, and fought for my rights. I highly recommend their services.”
Years of experience representing injured maritime workers “I couldn’t have asked for better legal representation. The team at Patrick Daniel Law was there for me every step of the way.”
Proven track record of successful outcomes “I am grateful for the dedicated and compassionate attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law. They exceeded my expectations and helped me get the compensation I needed.”

Maritime Industry in Houston

maritime accidents houston

Houston is a major hub for the maritime industry, with a large number of maritime companies and thousands of maritime employees. According to a recent study, Houston is the second city in the country for jobs connected to maritime, with New Orleans being the only city with more workers in the industry. Texas as a whole is the third state in the US in terms of cargo transportation between American ports. The Port of Houston, which includes over 200 private and public terminals, handles a significant number of seagoing vessels and barges each year. With such a bustling maritime industry, it’s no surprise that there are numerous maritime injury cases in Houston.

Statistics of Maritime Industry in Houston:

Rank City Number of Maritime Workers
1 New Orleans XX,XXX
2 Houston XX,XXX
3 City C XX,XXX
4 City D XX,XXX
5 City E XX,XXX

The maritime industry in Houston plays a pivotal role in both regional and national trade. With a significant number of maritime workers, the industry contributes significantly to the local economy. However, the bustling maritime industry also means an increased risk of maritime accidents, leading to the need for expert legal representation for maritime workers.

Protecting the Rights of Maritime Workers

Maritime workers in Houston face unique challenges when it comes to seeking compensation for their injuries. While land-based workers have certain rights and resources available to them, maritime workers often have to hire a maritime injury attorney to protect their rights and help them recover losses resulting from their maritime injuries.

Employers in maritime cases try to hide behind the nuances of maritime law to avoid taking responsibility for their employees’ injuries. However, thanks to federal laws like the Jones Act, maritime workers have the ability to sue their employers for compensation and hold them accountable for providing safe working conditions and maintaining seaworthy vessels. Workman’s Comp does not apply to maritime injuries, but maritime workers have the right to seek compensation through other legal avenues.

Maritime workers should not be intimidated by their employers or the complexities of maritime law. They have the right to a safe working environment and should not bear the financial burdens caused by maritime accidents.

Key Facts Benefits of Hiring a Maritime Attorney
Maritime workers face unique challenges Maritime attorneys have in-depth knowledge of admiralty law
Jones Act protects the rights of maritime workers Attorneys can navigate the complexities of maritime law
Employers may try to avoid responsibility Maritime attorneys hold employers accountable for safe working conditions
Workman’s Comp does not apply to maritime injuries Attorneys help maritime workers seek compensation through legal avenues

By hiring a Houston maritime attorney, maritime workers can ensure their rights are protected and that they have the best chance of recovering the compensation they deserve. Experienced maritime attorneys have a deep understanding of admiralty law and can effectively represent their clients in complex maritime injury cases.

Work with an Experienced Attorney

Maritime law can be complex, and navigating the legal process on your own can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s essential to work with an attorney who specializes in maritime law. A skilled maritime attorney will handle all the legal aspects of your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

Whether it’s negotiating with insurance companies, gathering evidence, or filing a lawsuit, your attorney will ensure that your rights are protected every step of the way.

Understanding Maritime Law

maritime law firm houston

Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, governs maritime activity and provides the legal framework for maritime workers and employers. It differs from the Law of the Sea, which deals with international trade and relations between countries.

Maritime law encompasses civil suits, individuals, companies, and representatives of those companies. It includes laws regarding the maintenance and seaworthiness of vessels, compensation for injured workers under the Jones Act, and the ability to hold employers accountable for providing safe working conditions.

Maritime lawyers in Houston have in-depth knowledge of admiralty law and can assist maritime workers in understanding their rights and pursuing compensation for their injuries.

Maritime law plays a vital role in the maritime industry as it sets the legal framework for various aspects, including vessel safety, crew member rights, and liability for accidents and injuries at sea. Understanding maritime law is crucial for both employers and workers in the maritime industry to ensure compliance and protect their interests.

“Maritime law encompasses civil suits, individuals, companies, and representatives of those companies.”

Maritime law covers a wide range of issues, including:

  • Vessel registration and documentation
  • Maritime contracts and agreements
  • Vessel financing and insurance
  • Maintenance and seaworthiness of vessels
  • Admiralty jurisdiction and procedure
  • Maritime liens and mortgages
  • Marine pollution and environmental regulations
  • Maritime accidents and personal injury claims

Maritime lawyers specialize in these areas and provide valuable guidance and legal representation to maritime workers, vessel owners, shipping companies, and other parties involved in the maritime industry.

The Jones Act and Maritime Law

One important aspect of maritime law is the Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. The Jones Act provides protection and legal rights to seamen and offshore workers who are injured in the course of their employment.

This legislation allows injured maritime workers to file a cause of action against their employers for negligence and seek compensation for their injuries. The Jones Act also requires vessel owners to provide a seaworthy vessel and maintain safe working conditions for their crew.

“Maritime lawyers in Houston have in-depth knowledge of admiralty law and can assist maritime workers in understanding their rights and pursuing compensation for their injuries.”

Maritime lawyers in Houston, such as those at Patrick Daniel Law, have a deep understanding of admiralty law and the Jones Act. They can help maritime workers navigate the complexities of maritime law and assist in pursuing compensation for injuries sustained at sea.


These legal experts can assess the circumstances of the accident, gather evidence, and determine the best course of action to protect the rights of their clients and maximize their chances of receiving fair compensation.

Types of Maritime Accidents

Maritime accidents can occur in various forms in Houston and the Gulf Coast, each presenting unique challenges and requiring specific legal expertise. The maritime injury attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law have extensive experience handling these types of cases and possess the knowledge necessary to effectively represent their clients in seeking compensation for their injuries.

Common Types of Maritime Accidents

  • Jack-up rig accidents
  • Deck accidents
  • Tugboat accidents
  • Oil platform accidents
  • Barge accidents
  • Commercial fishing accidents
  • Cargo ship accidents
  • Shipyard accidents

Each of these accidents can result in serious injuries and long-term consequences. Whether it’s a jack-up rig accident causing offshore worker injuries, a deck accident on a vessel, or a tugboat accident leading to maritime worker harm, the experienced maritime injury attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law have the skills and expertise necessary to navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding these accidents and pursue maximum compensation for their clients.

Maritime accidents can have devastating effects on the lives of maritime workers and their families. In such challenging times, it is crucial to have compassionate legal representation that understands the intricacies of maritime law and can effectively advocate for your rights. By partnering with a skilled Houston maritime attorney, you can ensure that your interests are protected and that you have the best chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.

The Importance of Seeking Legal Assistance

When dealing with maritime accidents, it’s essential to seek legal assistance from professionals who specialize in maritime law. The maritime injury attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law have a thorough understanding of the complexities surrounding these cases and can provide the guidance and representation needed to navigate the legal process.

By partnering with a knowledgeable attorney, you can benefit from their insights into maritime law, including relevant regulations and statutes that may impact your case. They can help in gathering evidence, determining liability, and pursuing compensation for your injuries and losses.

Comparison of Maritime Accidents

Accident Type Description Common Causes
Jack-up Rig Accidents Accidents on offshore drilling platforms that can lead to serious injuries or fatalities. Equipment failure, human error, hazardous conditions
Deck Accidents Accidents that occur on the deck of a vessel, resulting in injuries to crew members. Slip and falls, heavy lifting, equipment malfunctions
Tugboat Accidents Collisions or accidents involving tugboats, often resulting in injuries or property damage. Navigation errors, equipment failure, adverse weather conditions
Oil Platform Accidents Accidents that occur on offshore oil platforms, potentially causing severe injuries or environmental damage. Explosions, fires, equipment failure, inadequate training
Barge Accidents Accidents involving barges, typically causing injuries to crew members and potentially leading to environmental hazards. Collisions, grounding, cargo shifting
Commercial Fishing Accidents Accidents that occur during commercial fishing operations, often resulting in injuries or fatalities. Equipment malfunctions, harsh weather conditions, vessel instability
Cargo Ship Accidents Accidents involving cargo ships, including collisions, explosions, or hazardous material spills. Navigation errors, equipment failure, cargo shifting
Shipyard Accidents Accidents that occur in shipyards during the construction, repair, or maintenance of vessels. Unsafe working conditions, heavy machinery accidents, falls

Maritime Laws and Legal Rights

Maritime workers and offshore employees have specific legal rights under maritime laws. One key law that provides protection for these workers is the Jones Act, also known as the Merchant Marine Act. This act allows injured seamen and offshore workers to file a cause of action against their employers for negligence and seek compensation for their injuries. It ensures that maritime workers are not left without recourse when they suffer harm while performing their duties.

Under the Jones Act, the owners of ships and vessels have a legal duty to provide a seaworthy vessel to their crew. If a vessel or its equipment is found to be unseaworthy and causes injury to a worker, the injured seaman has the right to recover damages from the vessel owner. This provision holds vessel owners accountable for maintaining safe working conditions and ensures that injured workers are not left to bear the consequences of negligence.

In addition to the Jones Act, injured maritime workers are entitled to receive maintenance and cure payments from their employers, regardless of fault. Maintenance refers to the daily living expenses that an injured worker would normally incur while working onboard a vessel. Cure refers to the medical treatment and expenses necessary for the injured worker’s recovery. These payments help provide financial support and necessary medical care while the worker is unable to work due to their injuries.

Furthermore, maritime workers may have the right to seek compensation from third parties who may be at fault for their injuries. This can include contractors, equipment manufacturers, or other parties whose negligence contributed to the worker’s harm. Holding third parties accountable for their actions can help injured maritime workers recover additional damages and ensure that all responsible parties are held liable.

It is important for maritime workers to be aware of their legal rights and the protections afforded to them under maritime laws. Consulting with a knowledgeable Houston maritime attorney is crucial to navigate the complexities of these laws and ensure that their rights are protected. A skilled attorney can provide guidance, advocacy, and representation to help injured maritime workers seek the compensation they deserve.

Legal Rights of Maritime Workers Summary
Jones Act Allows injured seamen to file a cause of action against their employers for negligence and seek compensation for their injuries.
Seaworthiness Duty Obligates vessel owners to provide a seaworthy vessel to their crew, and injured workers can recover damages if the vessel or its equipment is found to be unseaworthy.
Maintenance and Cure Injured maritime workers are entitled to receive maintenance and cure payments from their employers to cover daily living expenses and medical treatment while unable to work.
Third-Party Liability Maritime workers may have the right to seek compensation from third parties whose negligence caused or contributed to their injuries.

Understanding these legal rights is crucial for maritime workers who have been injured on the job. By seeking the assistance of a reputable Houston maritime attorney, injured workers can navigate the legal process and pursue the compensation they are entitled to under the law.

Hiring a Houston Maritime Attorney

If you have been injured in a maritime accident in Houston, it is crucial to seek the help of a knowledgeable Houston maritime attorney. Maritime law can be complex, and navigating the legal process on your own can be overwhelming. Experienced maritime injury lawyers at Patrick Daniel Law can provide dedicated support and guide you through the process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of recovering the compensation you deserve.

When you hire a Houston maritime attorney from Patrick Daniel Law, you can expect:

  1. Expertise in Maritime Law: Our attorneys have a deep understanding of maritime law and the unique challenges faced by maritime workers. They can effectively navigate the complex legal framework to build a strong case on your behalf.
  2. Support and Guidance: We will provide you with dedicated support throughout the entire legal process. Our attorneys will explain your rights, help you gather evidence, and advocate for your best interests every step of the way.
  3. Thorough Investigation: We will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your maritime accident to determine liability and identify all potentially responsible parties.
  4. Negotiation and Litigation: Our attorneys are skilled negotiators and litigators. We will aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve, whether through settlement negotiations or in court if necessary.
  5. No Upfront Costs: At Patrick Daniel Law, we understand that the financial burden of a maritime injury can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis. You won’t have to pay any upfront costs, and we only get paid if we win your case.

Calling an attorney as soon as possible after an accident is critical to preserve your rights and gather evidence. Don’t wait to seek legal representation. Contact Patrick Daniel Law today for a free consultation with a skilled Houston maritime attorney.

A Houston maritime attorney can help you navigate the complexities of maritime law and seek the compensation you deserve after a maritime accident.



In conclusion, maritime workers in Houston face unique challenges when it comes to seeking compensation for their injuries. Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, plays a crucial role in providing the legal framework for maritime workers and employers in Houston.

With their extensive knowledge in maritime law and years of experience, the skilled Houston maritime attorneys at Patrick Daniel Law are well-equipped to handle complex maritime injury cases. They understand the intricacies of admiralty law and can effectively navigate the legal process to protect the rights of maritime workers. Whether it’s a jack-up rig accident, deck accident, tugboat accident, oil platform accident, barge accident, commercial fishing accident, cargo ship accident, or shipyard accident, the team at Patrick Daniel Law is committed to seeking justice for their clients.

If you have been injured in a maritime accident in Houston, it is crucial to seek the help of a knowledgeable Houston maritime attorney. The team at Patrick Daniel Law can provide dedicated support and guide you through the legal process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of recovering the compensation you deserve. Call them today for a free consultation. Your rights matter, and they are here to fight for you.


What types of maritime injury cases can Patrick Daniel Law handle?

Patrick Daniel Law can handle a wide range of maritime injury cases, including jack-up rig accidents, deck accidents, tugboat accidents, oil platform accidents, barge accidents, commercial fishing accidents, cargo ship accidents, and shipyard accidents.

Where does Patrick Daniel Law serve clients?

Patrick Daniel Law serves clients in Houston, Harris County, Pasadena, Baytown, and the surrounding areas.

Why do maritime workers in Houston need a maritime attorney?

Maritime workers in Houston often face unique challenges in their cases. Hiring a skilled Houston maritime attorney can help them understand their rights and navigate the legal process to seek compensation for their injuries.

What legal rights do maritime workers have?

Maritime workers have specific legal rights under maritime laws. The Jones Act allows injured seamen to sue their employers for negligence and seek compensation for their injuries. They also have the right to receive maintenance and cure payments from their employers, regardless of fault.

What is maritime law?

Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, governs maritime activity and provides the legal framework for maritime workers and employers. It includes laws regarding vessel maintenance and seaworthiness, compensation for injured workers under the Jones Act, and the ability to hold employers accountable for providing safe working conditions.

What types of maritime accidents can occur in Houston?

Various types of maritime accidents can occur in Houston, including jack-up rig accidents, deck accidents, tugboat accidents, oil platform accidents, barge accidents, commercial fishing accidents, cargo ship accidents, and shipyard accidents.

How can maritime workers protect their rights?

Maritime workers can protect their rights by hiring a skilled maritime attorney who can navigate the complexities of maritime law and help them seek compensation for their injuries. They may also have the right to seek compensation from third parties who may be at fault for their injuries.

Why should I hire a Houston maritime attorney?

Hiring a Houston maritime attorney is crucial because maritime law can be complex, and navigating the legal process on your own can be overwhelming. An experienced attorney can provide dedicated support, protect your rights, and help you recover the compensation you deserve.

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