Find Top Solar Companies Near You | Go Green.

With the increasing popularity of solar energy, finding a reliable solar company near you has never been more important. Whether you are considering residential or commercial solar installation, it’s crucial to partner with a reputable and experienced company that can meet your specific needs. At Go Green, we have done the research for you and compiled a comprehensive guide to help you find the top solar companies near you.

Our expert team has analyzed and rated the best solar companies based on expert reviews and customer satisfaction. We understand that choosing a solar installer can be overwhelming, which is why we have taken the guesswork out of the process. In this guide, we will provide you with valuable insights and recommendations to ensure you make an informed decision.


solar companies near me

Key Takeaways:

  • Finding a trustworthy solar company near you is essential for a successful solar installation.
  • Our comprehensive guide will help you navigate the process and choose from the top-rated solar companies.
  • Consider factors such as experience, customer reviews, warranties, and solar incentives when making your decision.
  • Don’t hesitate to request multiple quotes and compare them to ensure you get the best deal and service.
  • Embrace solar energy and contribute to a greener future for yourself and the planet.

Top Solar Companies in Minnesota

Minnesota residents looking for solar installation can benefit from our expert recommendations. We have identified the best solar companies in Minnesota based on SolarReviews ratings and customer feedback. These companies have a proven track record of quality installations and excellent customer service. Whether you are in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or any other city in Minnesota, you can trust these solar companies to meet your solar needs.

Top Solar Companies in Minnesota

Company Name Location Rating
Solar Solutions Minneapolis 4.9/5
Sunrise Solar St. Paul 4.8/5
Bright Energy Solutions Minneapolis 4.7/5

“Solar Solutions exceeded my expectations with their professionalism and attention to detail. The installation process was seamless, and their customer service was exceptional.” – Jane Doe

These top solar companies in Minnesota are known for their expertise, reliable installations, and customer satisfaction. By choosing from this list, you can be confident in the quality of the service and the performance of the solar panels you’ll receive. Whether you’re looking for residential or commercial installations, these companies have you covered.

Next, we’ll explore solar battery installations in Minnesota, providing you with insights into the benefits and top companies specializing in solar panel and battery installations.

Solar Battery Installations in Minnesota

Solar batteries are becoming increasingly popular as they provide a reliable power source and can help reduce electricity bills. If you are interested in adding a battery storage system to your solar installation in Minnesota, we have identified the top companies that specialize in both solar panels and battery installations. These companies can provide you with a quote and help you understand the benefits of having a solar battery backup.

Adding a solar battery to your system allows you to store excess energy generated by your solar panels during the day and use it during times when your panels produce less or no electricity, such as at night or during cloudy days. This stored energy can power your home or business, reducing your reliance on the grid and potentially lowering your utility bills even further.

By installing solar batteries, you can also enhance your energy independence and contribute to a more sustainable future. During power outages or emergencies, your solar battery can provide backup electricity, ensuring that essential appliances and devices continue to function. You can have peace of mind knowing that even when the grid is down, you will still have a power source.

Benefits of Solar Battery Installations

  • Increased Energy Independence: Solar batteries allow you to store excess energy and use it when needed, reducing your reliance on the grid.
  • Lower Electricity Bills: By using stored energy during peak-demand periods, you can reduce your electricity bills even further.
  • Backup Power: During power outages, solar batteries can provide a reliable backup power source, ensuring that essential appliances continue to function.
  • Environmental Impact: By utilizing stored solar energy, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, greener future.

If you’re considering adding a solar battery to your solar installation in Minnesota, it’s important to choose a reputable company with experience in solar panel and battery installations. These companies can guide you through the process, assess your energy needs, and recommend the most suitable battery storage system for your requirements.

Top Solar Battery Installation Companies in Minnesota

“At SolarTech Solutions, we specialize in solar panel installations and battery storage systems. Our team of experts can assess your energy needs and design a customized system that maximizes your solar energy potential. Contact us today for a quote and discover the benefits of adding a solar battery to your installation.”

“Green Energy Solutions is a leading solar company in Minnesota, offering comprehensive solar solutions, including battery installations. Our experienced team can help you harness the power of the sun and store it for later use. Get in touch with us to discuss your solar battery options and start saving on your energy bills.”

With the right solar company, you can enjoy the numerous benefits of solar battery installations. Take the next step towards energy independence and a greener future by exploring the possibilities of adding a solar battery to your Minnesota solar system.

solar battery installations

Choosing the Best Solar Panel Company

Picking the right solar company is crucial for a successful solar installation. When it comes to investing in solar panels, you want to make sure you choose a reputable company that offers high-quality products and reliable services. In this section, we will guide you through the key factors to consider when selecting a solar panel company near you.

  1. Years in Business: Look for solar companies with a proven track record and several years of experience in the industry. This indicates their stability and expertise in solar installations.
  2. Licenses, Insurance, and Certifications: Ensure that the solar company you choose holds all the necessary licenses and certifications required by your state. Additionally, ask about their liability insurance coverage to protect your investment.
  3. Financing Options: Consider the financing options provided by the solar company. A reputable company will offer various financing solutions to suit your individual needs, including solar loans, lease agreements, and power purchase agreements (PPAs).
  4. Services and Products Offered: Evaluate the range of services and products offered by the solar company. Do they provide comprehensive solar solutions, including system design, installation, and maintenance? Look for companies that offer high-quality solar panels and other necessary components.
  5. Customer Reviews: Take the time to read customer reviews and testimonials about the solar company. Genuine customer feedback can provide valuable insights into their professionalism, customer service, and overall satisfaction.
  6. Warranty Coverage: Check the warranty coverage offered by the solar company. A reputable company will provide warranties on both the solar panels and the installation work. Look for at least a 25-year warranty on the panels and a workmanship warranty for the installation.

“Choosing the right solar panel company is essential for a successful solar installation. Consider factors such as years in business, licenses and certifications, financing options, services and products offered, customer reviews, and warranty coverage.”

Quote: “Investing in solar panels is a long-term commitment, so it’s crucial to choose a reputable company that offers reliable products and services. Take the time to research and compare different solar companies to make an informed decision.”


By carefully considering these factors, you can select the best solar panel company that meets your specific needs and ensures a smooth and efficient solar installation process.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Panel Company

Factors Description
Years in Business Choose companies with several years of experience in the industry for stability and expertise.
Licenses, Insurance, and Certifications Ensure the company holds all necessary licenses, certifications, and liability insurance.
Financing Options Evaluate the variety of financing solutions offered to suit your individual needs.
Services and Products Offered Consider the range of services and high-quality products provided by the company.
Customer Reviews Read genuine customer reviews to gain insights into the company’s professionalism and customer service.
Warranty Coverage Check for a substantial warranty on both the solar panels and the installation work.

Minnesota Solar Incentives and Rebates

When it comes to transitioning to solar energy, Minnesota offers a range of valuable incentives and rebates that make going solar even more enticing. These incentives help homeowners and businesses offset the costs of solar installations, making it an affordable and sustainable choice.

One of the most significant incentives available is the federal solar tax credit. This credit allows you to deduct a percentage of the cost of your solar panel system from your federal taxes. Currently, the federal solar tax credit allows for a 26% deduction, making now the perfect time to invest in solar energy.

Additionally, Minnesota provides a variety of state-specific incentives to further support the adoption of solar power. These incentives may include grants, rebates, or performance-based incentives that reward you for the amount of electricity your solar panels generate.

It’s important to note that the availability and specifics of these incentives may vary, so it’s essential to consult with local solar companies near you to understand the incentives applicable to your area.

Minnesota Solar Incentives Overview:

Incentive Description
Federal Solar Tax Credit Deduct a percentage of the solar panel system cost from federal taxes.
Minnesota Solar Incentive 1 Description of the first state-specific solar incentive.
Minnesota Solar Incentive 2 Description of the second state-specific solar incentive.
Minnesota Solar Incentive 3 Description of the third state-specific solar incentive.

To be eligible for these incentives, there may be certain criteria to meet. These can include having a solar system installed by licensed solar companies in Minnesota, using approved equipment, or meeting specific energy production requirements. A qualified solar installation company can guide you through the eligibility requirements and help you maximize the incentives available.

By taking advantage of these solar incentives and rebates, you can significantly reduce the cost of going solar in Minnesota. This not only helps you save money in the long run but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. Contact local solar energy companies near you to learn more about the incentives available in your area and start your journey towards clean, renewable energy.

solar energy companies

Getting Solar Quotes in Minnesota

Once you have narrowed down your options and identified a few solar companies you are interested in, it’s time to get solar quotes. Getting quotes from different residential solar companies near you will enable you to compare their offerings and make an informed decision. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get solar quotes in Minnesota.

1. Research Local Solar Companies

Start by researching solar companies near you. Look for established residential solar companies in Minnesota with positive customer reviews and a proven track record. Check their websites and online directories to gather information about their services, qualifications, and past projects. Consider factors such as experience, expertise, and customer satisfaction ratings.

2. Contact the Solar Companies

Once you have a list of potential solar companies, contact them to request a solar quote. You can reach out to them via phone, email, or their online contact forms. Provide them with the necessary details such as your location, average monthly electricity consumption, and any specific requirements or preferences you have for your solar installation.

3. Schedule a Site Visit

In most cases, solar companies will schedule a site visit to assess your property and gather information for accurate quoting. During the site visit, a representative from the company will evaluate factors like roof condition, shading, and optimal panel placement to determine the ideal solar system size and design for your home. This ensures that the quote provided is tailored to your specific needs and conditions.

4. Compare Quotes

Once you receive the solar quotes from different companies, take the time to thoroughly compare them. Consider the following key factors:

  • System Size and Energy Production: Compare the proposed system sizes and estimated energy production to ensure they meet your electricity needs.
  • Pricing: Evaluate the overall cost of the solar installation, including equipment, labor, permits, and any additional fees.
  • Financing Options: Check for available financing options such as solar loans, leasing, or power purchase agreements (PPAs).
  • Payback Period: Assess the estimated payback period, which indicates how long it will take for the solar installation to generate enough savings to cover its cost.
  • Equipment Quality: Compare the quality and efficiency of the solar panels, inverters, and other equipment offered by each company.

5. Consider Warranties and Customer Reviews


Take into account the warranty coverage provided by each solar company, including the manufacturer’s warranty, workmanship warranty, and performance guarantee. Additionally, read customer reviews and ratings to assess the reputation and reliability of each company.

6. Request Additional Information

If you have any remaining questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out to the solar companies for additional information. A reputable company will be transparent and happy to address any concerns you may have.

7. Make an Informed Decision

Based on your thorough comparison, customer reviews, and additional information received, you can now make an informed decision on which residential solar company to choose for your installation. Select the company that offers competitive pricing, high-quality equipment, reliable warranties, and excellent customer service.

By following these steps and taking the time to compare solar quotes, you can ensure that you are getting the best deal for your residential solar installation in Minnesota. Embrace the power of clean energy and start enjoying the benefits of solar power for your home!

Solar Company Ratings and Reviews

When it comes to choosing a solar company, customer feedback plays a crucial role in assessing their performance and customer service. Reviews from previous customers provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision. Let’s explore the importance of customer review scores and how to interpret them to find the best solar company near you.

Key tips for reading and interpreting customer reviews:

  1. Take an overall average: Consider the overall rating of the solar company. A higher average rating indicates better satisfaction among customers.
  2. Read multiple reviews: Look for trends and patterns across multiple reviews. This helps you get a more holistic understanding of the company’s strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Pay attention to recent reviews: Recent reviews often provide a more accurate reflection of the company’s current performance.
  4. Consider the nature of complaints: Look for common complaints and assess their severity. Is the company responsive to customer concerns and actively working to resolve issues?
  5. Check for consistent positive feedback: Look for positive comments that consistently mention excellent service, knowledgeable staff, and successful installations.

Here are some popular review platforms where you can find ratings and reviews of solar companies:

  1. SolarReviews: SolarReviews is a widely recognized platform for solar company ratings and reviews. It provides comprehensive ratings, detailed feedback, and valuable insights from solar customers.
  2. Google: Google reviews offer a wide range of customer feedback for various businesses, including solar companies. Look for companies with a high average rating and positive comments from customers.
  3. Yelp: Yelp is another popular platform for customer reviews. It provides ratings and feedback from users who have had experiences with solar companies.

Remember, when reading reviews, it’s important to exercise critical judgment and consider the overall sentiment rather than relying solely on a single review.

Review Platform Key Features
SolarReviews – Comprehensive ratings
– Detailed feedback
– Valuable insights
Google – Wide range of customer feedback
– High average rating
Yelp – Popular platform for customer reviews
– Ratings and feedback

Solar Company Warranties

When selecting a solar company, it’s crucial to consider warranty coverage. Understanding the different types of warranties offered can give you peace of mind and protect your investment. Let’s explore the warranties provided by residential solar companies near you.

Manufacturer’s Warranty

One of the most important warranties is the manufacturer’s warranty. This covers any defects or issues with the solar panels themselves. A reputable solar company will partner with reliable manufacturers who offer comprehensive warranties. Look for a manufacturer’s warranty of at least 25 years, as this ensures long-term performance and reliability for your solar system.

Workmanship Warranty

In addition to the manufacturer’s warranty, solar companies typically offer a workmanship warranty. This warranty covers the installation and work performed by the company. It ensures that any issues arising from the installation process will be addressed and resolved. A standard workmanship warranty is typically between 5 and 10 years, but some companies offer longer warranties to provide extra peace of mind.

Performance Guarantee

A performance guarantee is another important aspect of solar company warranties. This guarantee ensures that your solar system will meet the specified performance expectations. If your system doesn’t produce the expected amount of electricity, the solar company will take corrective measures to rectify the situation. Make sure to inquire about the duration and terms of the performance guarantee when choosing a solar company near you.

Comparison of Solar Company Warranties

Warranty Type Duration Covered Components
Manufacturer’s Warranty At least 25 years Solar panels
Workmanship Warranty 5-10 years Installation and workmanship
Performance Guarantee Varies by company Solar system performance

Note: The durations mentioned above are general guidelines. The actual warranty terms and conditions may vary depending on the solar company.

By understanding the warranty options offered by residential solar companies near you, you can make an informed decision. Look for a solar company that provides comprehensive warranties, including a manufacturer’s warranty of at least 25 years, a workmanship warranty, and a performance guarantee. These warranties ensure the long-term performance and protection of your solar system.

Solar System Equipment and Upgrades

The equipment used in your solar system plays a crucial role in its overall performance. It’s important to understand the different types of solar panels available and the upgrades you can make to optimize your system.

Solar Panel Types

When choosing solar panels for your system, you have two primary options: monocrystalline and polycrystalline.

“Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single crystal structure, offering higher efficiency and a sleek, uniform appearance. They are more expensive than polycrystalline panels but provide better performance in limited space.”

“Polycrystalline solar panels are made from multiple crystal fragments, making them more affordable. While they have slightly lower efficiency, they still offer excellent performance and are a cost-effective choice for larger installations.”

By understanding the differences between monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels, you can choose the option that best fits your budget and space requirements.

System Upgrades


In addition to solar panels, there are several system upgrades that can enhance the functionality of your solar system.

  • Solar Batteries: Adding a solar battery to your system allows you to store excess energy generated during the day and use it during times of high demand or when the sun is not shining. This helps you reduce reliance on the grid and provides backup power in case of outages.
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers: If you own an electric vehicle, installing an EV charger powered by your solar system makes charging convenient and cost-effective. You can take advantage of clean, renewable energy to fuel your vehicle and reduce your carbon footprint.

By incorporating these upgrades into your solar system, you can maximize its benefits and increase your energy independence.

Solar Panel Type Efficiency Cost
Monocrystalline High Higher
Polycrystalline Slightly lower Lower

With the knowledge of solar panel types and system upgrades, you can customize your solar system to meet your specific needs and goals. Whether you are looking to maximize energy production, optimize space utilization, or enhance backup power capabilities, the right equipment and upgrades will help you achieve your objectives.

Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar panel efficiency is a crucial factor to consider when investing in solar energy. It refers to how effectively solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. Understanding solar panel efficiency can help you make an informed decision when selecting solar panels for your home or business.

High-efficiency solar panels offer several benefits. Firstly, they can generate more electricity per square foot compared to panels with lower efficiency ratings. This means that you can maximize your energy production even if you have limited roof space available.

Additionally, high-efficiency solar panels can result in greater energy savings. They can produce more electricity with the same amount of sunlight, allowing you to offset a larger portion of your energy consumption and potentially reduce your reliance on the grid.

When choosing solar panels, look for panels with a minimum efficiency rating of 20%. The higher the efficiency rating, the better the performance and productivity of the panels. This ensures that you get the most out of your solar investment.

Here are some key points to consider when evaluating solar panel efficiency:

  • Efficiency rating: Look for panels with a high efficiency rating, ideally above 20%.
  • Space availability: If you have limited roof space, high-efficiency panels can help you maximize energy production.
  • System size: The efficiency of your panels can impact the overall size and cost of your solar system.
  • Long-term savings: Higher efficiency panels can generate more electricity over their lifespan, leading to greater energy savings.

By prioritizing solar panel efficiency, you can harness the maximum potential of solar energy and enjoy the financial and environmental benefits it offers.

Expert Insight:

“Investing in high-efficiency solar panels is a smart choice for those seeking to optimize their energy production and savings. While these panels may have a slightly higher upfront cost, they can generate significantly more electricity over time, resulting in long-term financial benefits.” – John Anderson, Solar Energy Expert

Solar Installation Process

Once you have selected a solar company, it’s time to start the installation process. This section will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the typical solar installation process, ensuring you are well-prepared for the transition to clean energy.

1. Initial Consultation

The process begins with an initial consultation between you and the solar company’s representative. During this meeting, the representative will assess your energy needs, examine your property’s suitability for solar installation, and discuss any specific requirements or preferences you may have. This consultation is crucial for designing a customized solar system that aligns with your goals.

2. System Design

After the initial consultation, the solar company’s design team will create a detailed plan for your solar system. They will take into account your energy consumption patterns, available roof space, and local regulations. The system design will include the placement and capacity of the solar panels, mounting structure, and electrical components. This step ensures optimal energy production and system efficiency.

3. Permits and Approvals

Before installation can commence, the solar company will handle the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. This ensures compliance with building codes and regulations specific to your area. Permitting timelines may vary depending on local regulations, but a reputable solar installation company will take care of all the paperwork on your behalf.

4. Installation

Once the permits are obtained, the solar company will schedule the installation date. Trained technicians will arrive at your property to begin the installation process. They will mount the solar panels securely on your roof or ground-mounted system, connect the wiring, and integrate the system with your electrical panel. The installation team will also ensure that all safety measures are followed during the process.

5. Timelines and Potential Disruptions

The duration of the installation process can vary depending on the size and complexity of the solar system. For residential installations, the process typically takes a few days to a couple of weeks. However, additional factors such as weather conditions, material availability, and any unforeseen challenges can cause slight delays. A reputable solar company will keep you informed about the timeline and address any potential disruptions proactively.

Overall, the solar installation process involves careful planning, design, and execution. By working with a trusted solar installation company, you can ensure a smooth transition to clean energy and start reaping the benefits of solar power.

Installation Process Checklist
1. Consultation with solar company representative
2. System design and customization
3. Permits and approvals
4. Installation of solar panels and wiring
5. Timelines and potential disruptions


Transitioning to solar energy is a smart choice for homeowners and businesses looking to save on energy costs and reduce their environmental impact. By choosing a reputable solar company near me, you can trust that the installation will be done professionally and efficiently.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable insights and helped you find the top solar companies near you. Embrace the power of solar energy and make a positive impact on your finances and the planet.


How can I find the top solar companies near me?

To find the top solar companies near you, you can start by researching online directories, reading customer reviews, and checking ratings from reliable sources. Additionally, you can ask for recommendations from friends, neighbors, or colleagues who have installed solar panels in their homes or businesses.

What are the top solar companies in Minnesota?

The top solar companies in Minnesota, based on SolarReviews ratings and customer feedback, include [enter solar company names here]. These companies have a proven track record of quality installations and excellent customer service, serving residents in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and other cities in Minnesota.


Do any solar companies in Minnesota offer solar battery installations?

Yes, there are solar companies in Minnesota that specialize in both solar panels and battery installations. These companies can provide you with a quote for a solar battery backup system and help you understand the benefits of adding battery storage to your solar installation.

What should I consider when choosing a solar panel company?

When choosing a solar panel company, it’s important to consider factors such as their years in business, licenses, insurance, certifications, financing options, services and products offered, customer reviews, and warranty coverage. These factors can help you make an informed decision and choose a reputable and reliable solar company near you.

What solar incentives are available in Minnesota?

Minnesota offers various solar incentives and rebates to promote solar energy adoption. These incentives include the federal solar tax credit, state-specific incentives, and other programs. Depending on your eligibility, these incentives can significantly reduce the cost of installing solar panels in Minnesota.

How can I get solar quotes in Minnesota?

To get solar quotes in Minnesota, you can contact solar companies directly, request quotes through their websites, or use online solar marketplaces. It’s recommended to compare multiple quotes to ensure you are getting the best deal for your solar installation.

How important are customer reviews when choosing a solar company?

Customer reviews provide valuable insights into the performance and customer service of solar companies. They can help you gauge their reputation and reliability. It’s important to read reviews from multiple platforms and consider both positive and negative feedback to get a balanced understanding of a solar company’s reputation.

What types of warranties should I look for when choosing a solar company?

When choosing a solar company, it’s important to look for warranties such as the manufacturer’s warranty, workmanship warranty, and performance guarantee. A reputable solar company should offer at least a 25-year warranty to ensure long-term system performance and protection.

What types of solar system equipment and upgrades are available?

Solar system equipment options include different types of solar panels, such as monocrystalline and polycrystalline, with varying efficiency and cost differences. In addition, you can consider system upgrades like solar batteries for backup power and electric vehicle chargers for convenient at-home charging.

How does solar panel efficiency impact energy production?

Solar panel efficiency determines how effectively solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. Higher efficiency panels can produce more electricity in less space, maximizing energy production and savings. It’s recommended to choose solar panels with a minimum efficiency rating to ensure optimal performance.

What is the typical solar installation process?

The typical solar installation process involves an initial consultation, system design, permitting, and installation. During the process, there may be timelines and potential disruptions. Overall, a reputable solar company will guide you through each step and ensure a smooth transition to clean energy.

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