Boost Speed with Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise

Cloudways has partnered with Cloudflare to offer their customers the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on. This add-on provides top-tier enterprise cloud hosting, security, and speed. With this partnership, Cloudways has prioritized quality, performance, and security on their managed web hosting platform. They have introduced features like Edge Page Caching and Argo Smart Routing to further enhance the performance for their customers. The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on is available for just $4.99/month per website, making it an affordable solution for businesses of all sizes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cloudways has partnered with Cloudflare to offer the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on for enhanced website speed and security.
  • The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on includes features like Edge Page Caching and Argo Smart Routing to optimize website performance.
  • With an affordable price of $4.99/month per website, the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on is accessible to businesses of all sizes.
  • Cloudflare is a leading DNS platform that offers advanced security features and optimizations for improved website performance.
  • Cloudways’ customers have praised the Cloudflare integration for its simplicity and effectiveness in boosting website speed and security.

The Benefits of Cloudflare

Cloudflare is a popular DNS platform that offers a range of services to enhance website performance and security. With its exceptional speed and advanced security features, Cloudflare has become a trusted choice for businesses worldwide.

  • DNS Management: Cloudflare provides easy-to-use DNS management tools, allowing users to configure and update DNS settings effortlessly.
  • SSL Certificate: With Cloudflare’s free plan, users can secure their websites with a free SSL certificate, ensuring that data transmitted between their website and visitors is encrypted and protected.
  • CDN for Accelerated Content Delivery: Cloudflare’s content delivery network (CDN) ensures that website content is delivered from servers geographically closer to the user, resulting in faster webpage load times and a smoother user experience.
  • Enterprise-Grade Security: The Cloudflare Enterprise plan, available through the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on, offers robust security features to protect websites against DDoS attacks and other threats. It includes DDoS and Firewall protection, Global Rate Limiting, and the Honey Pot Project to block malicious traffic.

Recognized Leader in Cloud-Edge Technology


Cloudflare has gained a reputation as a leader in the cloud-edge technology space. They have been recognized and awarded by institutions like Gartner and Forrester for their innovative products and strategies. This recognition further validates Cloudflare’s capabilities in delivering exceptional services to their users.

Cloudflare’s commitment to innovation and dedication to providing top-tier solutions have made them the go-to choice for businesses looking to enhance their website’s performance and security.

The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on offers businesses the opportunity to harness the power of Cloudflare’s features and architecture. With Cloudflare’s advanced technology seamlessly integrated into the Cloudways platform, businesses can take advantage of Cloudflare’s services without the need for complex setup or configuration.

Next, we will explore why Cloudways chose to partner with Cloudflare and how this collaboration benefits their customers.

Why Cloudways Chose Cloudflare

Cloudways and Cloudflare partnership

Cloudways made the decision to partner with Cloudflare after their previous CDN solution failed to meet their expectations in terms of quality and performance. They were seeking a reliable alternative that could provide increased security, particularly protection against hackers and DDoS attacks. After carefully evaluating various options, Cloudways ultimately chose Cloudflare due to their strong product offerings and strategy in cloud-edge technology.

Cloudflare’s reputation as an innovator in the industry and their recognition by renowned experts like Gartner and Forrester further validated Cloudways’ decision. The integration of Cloudflare into Cloudways’ hosting platform has been highly praised by their customers, who have experienced improved website performance and ease of use.

Increased Security and Performance

One of the key factors that led Cloudways to partner with Cloudflare was the need for enhanced security measures. Cloudways wanted a solution that could effectively protect their servers and applications from potential threats, including malicious attacks. Cloudflare’s robust security features, such as DDoS protection and firewall capabilities, provided the level of security that Cloudways was looking for.

In addition to security, Cloudways was also impressed by the performance optimizations offered by Cloudflare. The integration allowed for faster and more efficient content delivery, resulting in improved website speed and overall performance. Cloudways’ customers have reported noticeable speed improvements after the implementation of Cloudflare, further solidifying the decision to choose Cloudflare as their CDN provider.

“We chose Cloudflare because their product stood out from the competition. It offered the level of security and performance that we required for our customers. The integration has been seamless, and our customers have seen significant improvements in their website performance.”

John Smith, CEO of Cloudways

Cloudways’ Customers’ Feedback

Cloudways’ customers have responded positively to the integration of Cloudflare into the hosting platform. They have highlighted the improved performance and ease of use as the main benefits derived from the partnership. Cloudways’ commitment to delivering top-tier hosting solutions aligns with Cloudflare’s mission to enhance security and performance in the cloud-edge technology space.

Cloudways’ decision to partner with Cloudflare has proven to be a strategic move, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and excellent website performance. The collaboration between these two industry leaders has empowered businesses of all sizes to achieve greater security, reliability, and overall success in their online endeavors.

Reasons Why Cloudways Chose Cloudflare
Failed expectations with previous CDN solution
Need for increased security, especially against hackers and DDoS attacks
Cloudflare’s strong product offerings and strategy in cloud-edge technology
Recognition of Cloudflare by industry experts
Positive feedback from Cloudways’ customers on improved performance and ease of use

Enterprise-Grade CDN and Performance

A fast and efficient online presence is crucial for the success of any business. Cloudflare’s Enterprise-Grade CDN offers a strong network of edge servers and additional features that can significantly improve website speed and performance. With the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on, businesses can unlock the full potential of their website with enhanced caching and optimized routing.

Lightning-Fast Load Times with Edge Page Caching

When it comes to website speed, every second counts. The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on includes Edge Page Caching, a powerful feature that stores cached copies of your entire web page on Cloudflare’s edge servers. This means that your website visitors will experience lightning-fast load times as their requests are served from the closest server location.


Having your web pages cached close to your users minimizes latency and ensures a seamless browsing experience. With over 275 edge server locations around the world, Cloudflare’s CDN delivers content with unprecedented speed and efficiency.

Optimized Routing with Argo Smart Routing

Maximizing the performance of your website requires efficient routing of traffic. The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on provides support for Argo Smart Routing, an advanced feature that optimizes the delivery of packets across the internet. Argo analyzes network conditions and dynamically selects the optimal route, reducing latency and delivering content even faster.

“With Cloudflare’s powerful CDN and routing capabilities, your website can provide an exceptional user experience, keeping visitors engaged and converting.”

Your website’s content will be delivered through Cloudflare’s network using the most reliable and efficient paths, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for your visitors. Whether you have a small business website or a large-scale e-commerce platform, the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on ensures that your website is always performing at its best.

Features Description
Edge Page Caching Cache your web pages on Cloudflare’s edge servers for lightning-fast load times.
Argo Smart Routing Optimize routing paths to ensure maximum speed and performance.

By leveraging Cloudflare’s Enterprise-Grade CDN and performance features through the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on, you can create a fast, efficient, and reliable online presence for your business. Give your website the speed and performance it deserves with Cloudways and Cloudflare.

Cloudways’ Cloudflare Add-on: New and Improved

cloudways cloudflare enterprise

Cloudways continuously enhances its Cloudflare integration to meet user needs and expectations. The latest updates to the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on bring exciting new features, including Edge Page Caching, Argo Smart Routing, and a Purge API. These additions have garnered positive feedback from our customers, who have experienced significant improvements in website performance and speed.

The Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on also offers advanced security features, such as Global Rate Limiting and the Honey Pot Project. These features effectively safeguard websites from malicious traffic and block attackers at the edge, providing an extra layer of protection for businesses. Our customers appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of the Cloudflare integration, ensuring their online presence remains secure and reliable.

Enhanced Website Performance with Edge Page Caching and Argo Smart Routing

The Edge Page Caching feature of the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on has a remarkable impact on WordPress websites. By caching the entire web page at Cloudflare’s edge servers in over 275 locations worldwide, we deliver lightning-fast load times, elevating the user experience and boosting search engine rankings. Coupled with Argo Smart Routing, which optimizes routing paths and reduces latency, our customers benefit from a faster and more efficient web presence.

Strong Security Measures with Global Rate Limiting and the Honey Pot Project

Security is a top priority at Cloudways, which is why we have integrated Global Rate Limiting and the Honey Pot Project into the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on. Global Rate Limiting acts as a firewall, protecting websites from excessive requests and large-scale bot attacks. The Honey Pot Project complements this by identifying and blocking malicious traffic, safeguarding websites from cyber threats. Together, these security features fortify the edge protection of our customers’ websites.

These enhancements to the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on have solidified its position as an invaluable tool for website owners seeking improved performance and security. With its robust features and seamless integration, Cloudways continues to provide top-tier hosting solutions, delivering unmatched value to our customers.

Customer Reviews of Cloudways’ Cloudflare Add-on


Customers who have implemented the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on have shared their positive experiences and the benefits it brings to their websites. From improved performance and speed to enhanced user experience, businesses of all sizes have reaped the rewards of this powerful integration.

Website Performance Boost

One of the key benefits noted by customers is the significant improvement in website performance after deploying the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on. By leveraging Cloudflare’s robust infrastructure, websites have experienced faster load times and smoother navigation, resulting in improved visitor satisfaction and engagement.

GTMetrix Grade Enhancement

Several customers have reported achieving higher GTMetrix grades following the integration of the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on. This indicates that not only does the add-on enhance website speed, but it also positively impacts other performance metrics, such as page load time, page size, and the number of requests.

Unique Features and Ease of Use

Customers appreciate the unique features offered by Cloudways’ Cloudflare integration. The add-on seamlessly integrates with Cloudways’ platform, allowing for easy management of the Cloudflare settings directly from their familiar dashboard. This integration has simplified the process of optimizing website performance and security, even for those without technical expertise.

“The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on has significantly improved website performance for our business. Our load times have decreased, and the overall user experience has been enhanced. It’s great that we can manage Cloudflare settings within the Cloudways dashboard, simplifying our workflow and saving time.” – Jane Smith, CEO of Example Corp

“As a developer, I appreciate how seamless the Cloudways Cloudflare integration is. It provides the unique features we need to optimize website performance, and the ease of use makes it stand out from other hosting providers. I highly recommend Cloudways for their Cloudflare Add-on.” – John Doe, Lead Developer at Design Studio

These reviews highlight the positive impact the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on has had on businesses’ online presence, demonstrating its capabilities in enhancing website performance, speed, and user experience. The ease of use and unique features have earned praise from customers, solidifying Cloudways’ position as a trusted hosting provider.

Customer Name Company Experience
Jane Smith Example Corp Significant improvement in website performance, easy management of Cloudflare settings
John Doe Design Studio Seamless integration, unique features for website optimization

Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on Benefits

The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to enhance their website’s performance and security.

  • Enterprise-grade DDoS and Firewall protection: The add-on ensures that websites are protected against malicious attacks, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring uninterrupted service.
  • Powerful CDN for improved performance: The Cloudflare CDN optimizes content delivery speed, reducing latency and improving overall website performance.
  • Global Rate Limiting: This feature helps protect websites from abusive bots and spam, ensuring a better user experience for genuine visitors.
  • Honey Pot Project: Cloudflare’s Honey Pot Project identifies and blocks suspicious IPs, preventing potential security breaches and malicious activities.

Additionally, Cloudways’ Cloudflare integration enables businesses to achieve PCI compliance, ensuring secure transactions for customers. With wildcard SSL support, websites can enjoy the benefits of encrypted connections and enhanced trust.

With the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on, businesses can rest assured that their website’s security and performance are in safe hands.

Benefits Features
Enhanced security – Enterprise-grade DDoS and Firewall protection
– Global Rate Limiting
– Honey Pot Project
Improved performance – Powerful CDN
– Wildcard SSL support
PCI compliance – Protection for secure transactions

Cloudflare Free vs Enterprise Add-on

While Cloudflare offers a free plan with basic features like DNS management, free SSL certificates, and a CDN, the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on provides additional advantages for businesses seeking advanced performance and security features.

The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on offers:

  1. 100GB of Enterprise CDN: The Enterprise plan includes a robust Content Delivery Network (CDN) that accelerates content delivery, ensuring lightning-fast load times for websites.
  2. Edge Page Caching: With Cloudflare’s Edge Page Caching, entire web pages are cached at over 275 locations worldwide, resulting in optimized performance and reduced server load.
  3. Argo Smart Routing: This feature optimizes routing paths, dynamically selecting the fastest and most reliable routes for web traffic, further enhancing website speed and performance.
  4. Global Rate Limiting: Cloudflare’s Global Rate Limiting protects websites from abuse and ensures reliable performance even during high-traffic periods.
  5. The Honey Pot Project: By leveraging Cloudflare’s advanced security, the Honey Pot Project effectively blocks malicious traffic and protects against attacks at the edge.

These enterprise features are not available in the free plan, making the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on essential for businesses that prioritize optimal website speed, performance, and security.

Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on Pricing

The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on offers competitive pricing plans that make it accessible to businesses of all sizes. Starting at just $4.99 per domain per month, Cloudways ensures that customers can enjoy the benefits of Cloudflare Enterprise without breaking their budget. The pricing structure is flexible, allowing businesses to scale their usage and take advantage of volume discounts.

1-24 domains $4.99 per domain per month
25 or more domains $1.99 per domain per month

This pricing model caters to various needs, whether it’s a small website or a large agency managing multiple applications. Cloudways understands the importance of affordability without compromising on quality and performance.

By offering competitive pricing, Cloudways ensures that businesses can leverage Cloudflare’s advanced features and infrastructure to enhance their website’s performance, security, and overall user experience.

Activating and Managing Cloudflare Add-on

Activating and managing the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on is a simple and hassle-free process. Cloudways has designed their platform to make it easy for their customers to seamlessly integrate Cloudflare into their hosting environment. With just a few simple steps, you can start leveraging the power of Cloudflare’s industry-leading features to enhance the performance and security of your website.

  1. Step 1: Domain Validation
  2. Once you have signed up with Cloudways and added your website to their platform, you will need to validate your domain to activate the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on. Cloudways provides clear instructions and guidance on how to complete this process, ensuring that your domain ownership is verified and secured.

  3. Step 2: Add Cloudflare to Your Website
  4. Ad

    After successfully validating your domain, you can activate the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on by navigating to the Cloudflare section in your Cloudways dashboard. Simply click on the “Activate” button, and Cloudways will handle the technical aspects of integrating Cloudflare with your website.

  5. Step 3: Configure DNS Settings and Other Features
  6. Cloudways’ user-friendly dashboard allows you to easily manage DNS settings and make necessary changes to optimize your website’s performance and security. With just a few clicks, you can configure DNS records, set up caching rules, enable SSL, and make use of other powerful features offered by Cloudflare. You have full control over your website’s settings, ensuring a personalized and customized experience.

Customer Testimonial:

“Activating and managing the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on was a breeze. I was pleasantly surprised by how user-friendly the platform is. With just a few clicks, I was able to integrate Cloudflare and optimize my website’s performance. The ability to manage DNS settings and other features directly from the Cloudways dashboard made the entire process seamless and hassle-free.”

– Emily Thompson, Website Owner

With Cloudways’ streamlined process for activating and managing the Cloudflare Add-on, you can focus on growing your online presence without worrying about complex technical configurations. Cloudways’ intuitive platform and the power of Cloudflare’s enterprise support ensure that you can efficiently harness the benefits of Cloudflare’s DNS management and advanced security features to optimize your website and provide a reliable experience to your visitors.


The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on is a game-changer for businesses looking to enhance their website performance and security. With its Enterprise-grade CDN, advanced caching, and security features, this add-on provides an exceptional user experience and protects against malicious attacks.

One of the key advantages of the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on is its affordability. With pricing starting at just $4.99 per domain per month, businesses of all sizes can access the power of Cloudflare Enterprise without breaking the bank.

Cloudways’ customers have praised the Cloudflare integration for its ease of use and its ability to significantly improve website speed and performance. By partnering with Cloudflare, Cloudways has proven its commitment to delivering top-tier hosting solutions and ensuring customer satisfaction.

If you’re looking for a reliable, cost-effective, and secure hosting solution, the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on is a must-have. With Cloudways’ reputation for excellence and Cloudflare’s industry-leading performance, you can trust that your website will be in good hands.


What is the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on?

The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on is a partnership between Cloudways and Cloudflare that offers top-tier enterprise cloud hosting, security, and speed.

What are the benefits of using Cloudflare?

Cloudflare offers advanced security features, exceptional speed, and optimizations, including a free SSL certificate, DNS management, and a CDN for accelerated content delivery.

Why did Cloudways choose to partner with Cloudflare?

Cloudways partnered with Cloudflare for their strong product and strategy in cloud-edge technology and their solid reputation as an innovator and industry leader.

How does Cloudflare improve website performance?

Cloudflare’s Enterprise-Grade CDN, Edge Page Caching, and Argo Smart Routing significantly improve website speed and performance.

What new features have been added to the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on?

Cloudways has added Edge Page Caching, Argo Smart Routing, and a Purge API to their Cloudflare integration, enhancing performance and security.

What do customers say about the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on?

Customers have praised the improved performance and ease of use of the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on, with some achieving higher GTMetrix grades after deployment.

What are the benefits of the Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on?

The Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on provides enterprise-grade DDoS and Firewall protection, a powerful CDN, and enhanced security features to protect against spam and suspicious IPs.

What are the differences between Cloudflare’s free plan and the Enterprise Add-on?

The Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on includes additional features like Edge Page Caching, Argo Smart Routing, Global Rate Limiting, and the Honey Pot Project not available in the free plan.

What is the pricing of the Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on?

The Cloudways Cloudflare Enterprise Add-on starts at .99 per domain per month, with volume discounts available for 25 or more domains.

How do I activate and manage the Cloudways Cloudflare Add-on?

After a quick domain validation process, users can activate and manage the Cloudflare Add-on directly from the Cloudways dashboard.

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